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The F series is our yearly look at what we view as our most high performance surfboard. This is the board meant to try and showcase your highest ability without sacrificing any of the fun. This year (fall 2023) is the first year we are adding it to the list of models. It has seen 3 variations since 2020 and will continue to be tweaked every summer in preparation for the following fall season. This year's F series squash tail has a medium entry and exit rocker. It is foiled out for lots of traction when on the open face. It has a single to subtle double concave and a small V after the rear fin. This board is best in shoulder high to head and a half high conditions when vertical high performance surfing is the goal. We also have a round tail for the surfer looking for more smooth drawn out lines and for extra hold when the waves have some juice. 


Fin Set-Up

The F-23 can be surfed as a thruster or a quad so whatever your go to fin setup is.  








Starting Price: $849.95






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